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Banning noncompetes is a classic case of helping (not hurting) employers and protecting them from their own worst impulses.

Employers forget that noncompetes limit who they can hire - and make it harder to recruit skilled workers (in all fields) even if the employer offers high wages and a great working environment

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It really puzzles me why Elon wishes so much to destroy Twitter, Tesla and Space X. Could it be that he is indeed a time traveler trying to save us from apocalypse?


Department head:
The total effort percentages you have put in your target sheet for this year only add to 90%.

.... looks good.

Can someone remind me what this means? I asked before and forgot to bookmark it. It’s a little pouch, a gift, which I wear on my boot.

Edit: Was told the photo was upside down, so I rotated it.

Apple is cutting Vision Pro production as it fails to meet sales targets.

Analysts expected it to sell 700-800k units in 2024, but it could now be as low as 400k. A lower cost model could now be pushed beyond 2025, if it ever arrives.

#apple #tech #visionpro #vr #ar

This isn't good, folks.
I'm not worried about H5N1 transmission to humans (yet) but the USDA pathetic lack of transparency, how long it took for the genomes to be released, lack of testing asymptomatic cattle......
All detracts from "confidence"

Republicans: “We believe in free markets.”

Workers: “Ok, I'd like to go work for my firm's competitor without legal threats.”

Republicans: “No, not that free market.”

Lina Khan was appointed by Joe Biden to lead the FTC in 2021. Elections matter and so does who appoints government officials.

This is huge news for workers.

FTC bans noncompete agreements, making it easier for workers to quit. Here's what to know. -

Suddenly conservative America cares an awful lot about deadnaming

Suggestion of the day (otherwise known as If Helen Ruled The World edict 127):

We should stop describing ocean fish populations as fish "stocks". They're communities of a living organism, not stacked up items in a pantry waiting for us to take them. Just the use of the word implies that they only have value if we take them, and we need to kick that habit. The natural world is not there only for us to extract/plunder/take/damage for short-term gain (and sometimes not even that).

#ocean #words

I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that we STILL are not prosecuting Donald Trump and pretty much the entire Republican Party for committing outright treason.

I've spent a lot of this evening in the company of a very nice chap who calls himself the Prince of Battenberg because as a result of a lockdown project he now dresses only in pink and yellow.

I love this. The world needs more people like this. Be like the Prince of Battenberg.

AMD claims it's helping save the Earth by ditching monolithic datacenter chips

Smaller dies, less wafer loss equals lower emissions, exec claims Comment  AMD says its decision to ditch monolithic datacenter chips seven years ago in favor of a chiplet architecture has helped cut global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by tens of thousands of metric tons a year.…
#theregister #IT

Periodic reminder that a company requiring a non-compete or non-disparagement agreement from you usually has a reason, and it's usually that their management is garbage.

Sorry, you can't sue me, I don't sign those :)

when the zookeeper said
“meerkats can catch viruses
like COVID and the flu”
the visitors happily put on masks
to help protect them,
so now you know
that if you want your friends
and family and coworkers
to wear a mask to protect you
all you need to do
is be a meerkat.

Me hitting refresh on my podcast app. "Why hasn't the podcast that ones out every Wednesday not been released yet"

Yep. It's one of those weeks.

*Wanders off in search of ice-cream*

PSA for my fellow ADHDers:

You forgot to move your clothes to the dryer.

You're welcome.

#adhd #actuallyadhd #neurodivergent

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