My god, look at this absolutely lovely* Venn diagram showing the overlap (and non-overlap) of characters supported by various popular computing systems in 1972. Notably, the ¢ symbol is supported in IBM's EBCDIC but not in anything else. (ASCII here means what we now think of as 7-bit ASCII, only the first 128 ASCII codes. 256-character ASCII wouldn't be formally standardized until 1987 in ISO 8859!)

RFC 338 (PDF):

*lovely... but maddening


@darius odd that the asr33/35 character set included [ and ]. Those keys aren't present on the teletype that I restored.

@darius although perhaps alternate type wheels had those characters.

Curiousmarc is doing a set of restoration videos of the ASR-33 and I'm pretty sure that I saw those symbols its keyboard

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