I installed #QubesOS 4.0.3 on my Thinkpad X250. (a) I had to edit efi/EFI/qubes/xen.cfg (add mapbs=1, noexitboot=1) before rebooting (b) in order to install any software compiled by myself into dom0, I needed to install a fedora-25 template and compile there -- the fedora-30 ships with an incompatible glibc, debian-10 same story.

debian-10 and #OCaml (well, opam) is a sad story: the opam package ships with no internal solver (mccs), but aspcud failed with not enough memory.

Is this only me?

I'm glad to be back on my #FreeBSD system, here I at least know shortcomings (and do not end up with incompatible libraries). I compile everything myself here as well.

Looks like on Linux/QubesOS this is less popular, to compile software. I'll give it every now and then another try (mainly to test software I develop), but so far my developer experience is rather sad -- but maybe I'm just too much used to FreeBSD right now (I still don't know how I'd compile a custom kernel for QubesOS)...

@hannesm Interesting question: while the Qubes team had ideas to make it „Hypervisor-agnostic“ I don’t know if anybody ever did get it to run on something Non-Xen...


@Kensan @hannesm a possible future-Qubes would be to use CoreOS style immutable install with kvm pcie passthrough for the device drivers. not sure how much of the existing dom0 xen specific code would make that move, however.

@th @hannesm To be quite honest, I am more excited about all the progress Genode has been making. The recent FOSDEM talk by Norman demonstrating Sculpt really shows how far they have come. It feels like the pieces are all falling into place.

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