
unix rant 

One of my least favorite "improvements" is that `less` by default clears the screen when you quit. So you find exactly what you want in the man page, hit `q` to return to the shell, and it erases exactly what you needed to see. Every time I move to a new system this annoys me until I fetch my dotfiles.

unix rant 

@th haha, this always confuses me as well on GNU/Linux, especially since on FreeBSD (which I use usually) the behaviour is different, and you actually see the screen from less / the man page after quitting.

re: unix rant 

@th -X does avoid that IIRC at least that's my explanation for my alias definition in my shell startup script.

unix rant 


I found tmux really helps for this: these days, I almost always open the man page in one pane and a shell in another.

unix rant 

@th I would love a version of man/less that does bookmarking, or at least lets me reenter a manpage where I last left it.

Hey, does anyone remember xman? *types xman* oh, hey

unix rant 

@th Oh wow. I didn't even know you could disable that. My life has been forever changed! I mean, in a small way, but still. Thanks!

unix rant 

@cstanhope @th I have the needed hackery burned into my finger neurons

infocmp -l > a
remove the smcup and rmcup entries from a:
vi a
tic a; rm a

re: unix rant 

@eqe @cstanhope and I thought I was hardcore for knowing to type `stty erase ^H sane` when the terminal doesn't match the `$TERM`.

unix rant 

@th Oh yeah - disabling the alt screen is one of the first things I need to do on any new terminal.

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