‪Tried making a programming language

‪Accidentally made a worse JavaScript‬

There's technically nothing preventing you from creating your own worse JavaScript and extending it until you hit a worse C

BRB, copying Forth to make a worse Java

I wanted to build a RISC-V system from scratch, but have it run a native Forth without need to install anything. Like the old school BASIC which came with the C64 on ROM that you can use to write and run a program right from startup

Except my brain wasn't capable of grasping Forth. Maybe it's the syntax, but I had the same problem grasping Erlang

So I may end up with some other kind of language or something from scratch with the stack based features of Forth


@cypnk Have you tried learning FORTH on the ATARI?

@cypnk Or `colorForth`? Which is like normal FORTH, except that the colors are significant:
> Comments are in BLUE, : is not used, instead a RED word is the name of a new defintion. GREEN words are being compiled and WHITE words are being executed. Later [Chuck] plans to make numbers a different color.

@th @cypnk things have moved on a bit since that screenshot... there's a bootable colorForth (dd it onto the tiniest of USB drives and it comes up more or less instantly! much quicker than the BIOS... legacy mode only though) at inventio.co.uk/LegacyIndex.htm - and one that runs under windows (i guess, for practicality? it doesn't interact with windows at all, it just runs under it) is still available from greenarraychips.com/home/suppo

they've diverged somewhat; the GreenArrays one is the one Chuck built (which GA have now thrown overboard) whereas Howerd Oakford seems to have strived to have something practical yet native

@th @th OMG That book cover was... something 😂
Sadly I don't have Atari experience (a tad too young at the time). I should try to find a good one in working order or one I can easily repair and get to know the software

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