I'm creating embedded Linux distribution from scratch that fits on a single floppy (1MB at the moment), runs latest kernel and can boot on a 486DX PC.

More info soon with an easy to understand tutorial!

#Linux #Embedded #FDD


@w84death @cypnk single floppy for both kernel and root filesystem, or split like SLS?

@th @cypnk Single. It's purpose is for running dedicated application straight form a live-fdd. When I learn more I want to have persistent storage also. It is not meant to install on host.

@w84death @th @cypnk Getting a current kernel down to that size is impressive!

@penguin42 @w84death @cypnk `make tinyconfig` for 5.10 produces a 449KB `bzImage`, although that is for a 32-bit kernel with literally no device drivers (not even a serial port). Adding in 64-bit, VGA and console drivers brings it up to ~650KB, which leaves a little space for a ramdisk.

@penguin42 @w84death @cypnk the kernel and initrd would easily fit in the per-thread L3 cache on my build server...

@penguin42 @w84death @cypnk need a `libc` to go with it... and ELF support. that's now 674KB for the kernel; static linked musl busybox compresses to 318KB, add in `/proc` and `#!` support for a few more KB... and the bootable image is probably smaller than this screenshot.

@th @penguin42 @cypnk I already have #! support but still don't get the /proc and /dev working. But I'm learning everything on the way :)

@penguin42 @th @cypnk It already have vi ;)
My goal is to make old-school Diskmag. I already have few articles for it. I probably end up with some cool script that will allow to list articles and read them (cat|less).

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