
Windows 10 subpixel font rendering makes my fancy 4K monitor look like an Apple II.

Turning off Cleartype makes the text readable. Does it ever make fonts look better?

@th if you clear the high bit, does it change to green and magenta fringing?

@th Right?! I couldn’t use my second monitor in portrait mode when I still had a Windows computer for work, it was horrible. Luckily my manager bought me a Mac now.

@th it never helped, but I’m surprised it’s still a thing

@th (You probably know this, but ...)

If you can _see_ the color fringing with your eyes, it's mis-identified the subpixel ordering of your display, which you can probably fix. It's an Xft/fontconfig/whatever option .fonts.conf in Linux, dunno how you fix it in Windows.

With a 4k monitor, though, you can just turn off anti-aliasing, which it sounds like is what you did. ;-)

@patrick @th Interesting, I usually fix my Windows problems using the instructions at .

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