
covid nl ggd 

we watch NOS Jeugd Journaal filmpjes for language practice, and this morning's was a really frustrating demonstration of a total public health failure by NOS and the GGD.
They interviewed children about their intentions and most were antivax: "_nee ik wil geen prik nemen_". And then someone from the GGD said "_It's ok that most of the kids don't want it_". There was no attempt at all to present the arguments for the public health or for protecting their omas.

covid nl ggd 

@th 🤦
That's so sad, they had such a good chance to bring it directly to the kids in the show without their parents influencing them.

covid nl ggd 

@th ugh. And protecting semselves, parents, friends...

covid nl ggd 

@th Nou Ja, dat is absurd. NOS de *publieke* omroep die geen standpunt van de overheid kan verwoorden. Brr.

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