I've always wanted to try implementing a segment display, where each bit in a byte is a segment being turn on or off.

I don't know where I'm going with this, I guess I'm making a microwave or something.

@EdS @neauoire I wonder if anyone's ever made one of these* for the RISCV.

* Or built out this particular archaic interface idiom to some other, more modern RISCV dev board.

@mcc @EdS @neauoire Somewhere on my bucket list is a RISCV ISA card. You can a large amount of fun peripherals to play with if you plug it into an ISA backplane.


@cr1901 @mcc @EdS @neauoire although if I were to do it again, I would definitely use an FPGA with an embedded RISC-V. The BBB PRU was, in hind-sight, the wrong approach. trmm.net/Unibus/

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