rules = [
[[1,+1,1], [1,-1,1]],
[[1,+1,1], [0,+1,0]],

rules = {
'a': [[1, +1, 'a'], [1, +1, 'b']],
'b': [[0, +0, 'a'], [0, +0, 'b']],

@th super cool! what kind of engine is running those rules? super into cellular automata ♥️

@murilove these are 2D Turing Machines called "_Turmites_". The rules are for the two states and specify, based on the pixel color at the current position, the tuple of which color to write at that pixel, the direction to turn, and the next state. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turmite


@murilove rough estimate is there are around 20k possible two-state machines $(2*3*2)^4$, although many likely quickly diverge and are uninteresting. There are only 36 one-state machines, so it is tractable to draw them all. Only two are interesting, `[1,+1],[0,-1]` and its mirror `[1,-1],[0,+1]`.

@th this is awesome! Thanks for sharing 🥰 Ants are incredible! I don't remember turmites but I've been looking at other ant CA for a while and can't seem to have enough of it. I'll give it a try too!

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