I'm showing my kid how to use a typewriter and just twigged for the very first time why the number one and exclamation mark are on the same key and my mind is completely blown

@phooky I always assumed they are on the same key since shift sets bit five and 1 is 0x21 while ! is 0x31 in ascii.


@phooky meanwhile 5-bit baudot has both 1 and !, although they are both in the FIGS space so they share encodings with Q and F in LTRS.

@ranjit @th thanks everyone, i just got an ad for a cloth mask printed with the seal of the "Official Field Research Team of the TWDB" (Typewriter Database), we did it

@th huh-- did erasure/delete actually do a backspace on these machines? wondering if you could have done the compound glyph thing on a teletype.

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