Lol, someone is *actually* reimplementing sbctl in Rust.

They didn't even bother coming up with a new name for it.

@Foxboron Your project is obsolete since day 1 by not being written in The Systems Language. It's ur fault m8

@barthalion I'll be watching this just to check if they figure out the Authenticode portions of the code they need.


@Foxboron @barthalion speaking of authenticode, is there an easy way to get the hash of a PE? I have a modified version of sbsigntool that adds --hash-only for predicting PCR4 values and need to ask Kerr again to look at merging it:

@th @barthalion

I thought @grawity had written something for it in his pcr prediction tooling.. but I can't seem to find it :/

It might be interesting regardless as it does parse PE files quite nicely.

@Foxboron @th @barthalion

I did write my own code for systemd PE sections because it was simple enough (and worked better than shelling out to objdump, at least), but for the hashing I used signify.fingerprinter.AuthenticodeFingerprinter()

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