Checkout those realistic reflections and specular highlights!

@th Sorry I'm not fooled. Although the photographer's reflection on the tea pot is blurred, I can clearly spot a couple tell-tale signs that it's an AI-generated face.

@th it looks weirdly stretched along the y-axis...

@v @th
Must have multiplied the y coordinates in every Bezier patch by 1.33 to demonstrate how the rendering software could manipulate it

@aeva @th so why wouldn't it look real if it is real? Is this some kind of insider-joke?

@th Cool. It even shows the horizontal lines (artifacts caused by using a pottery wheel). Which software was used? I think povray can create the reflections using photon maps, but I'm not sure.

@th check out this render, some pretty nice reflections and lighting effects

@fraggle @th
Excellent radiosity simulation!
Rendered in realtime?

@fraggle @th Ehhh, I think you have some aspect-ratio issues. That's clearly a good third taller than it ought to be!

I *definitely* shouldn't go looking for rendering glitches, given that once, after working too much on virtual lighting, my brain started seeing shadow mapping artefacts in real life...

@coprolite9000 @th Been there. Was playing with so much POVray, then went out surfing.

The way the light _dynamically_ refracted through the water, with shadows from foam, on sand. It was so realistic.

And then I realized that each photon was doing just exactly what physics said it should. In parallel, in realtime. That's what makes it work so well.

@th the shadows rendered well though, very realistic. Good use of multiple light sources too!

@th I can tell it's fake because it's not sitting on a checked tile floor

@th our so-called reality is just an elaborate environment map for a cosmic teapot render

@th No way man, that's totally lumber liquidators plastic veneer + pulp. Oh, wait...

@th Looks like you have the scale on your Y axis a bit wrong though. Look for a 4 which should have been a 3.

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