
Case $15
Raspberry Pi $5
Ethernet $2
SMA connectors $3000
USB jacks $3
Someone who is good at the economy help me budget this project.

@th Maybe they know that some folks would do just about anything to not have to set up a pi in exactly the right way for this to actually work?

@th The main feature of that device is a clock generator/distributor, the Pi is just used to configure it over SPI

@th I find it strangely compelling with the 10 ppb OCXO and -165 dBc/Hz phase noise

Wow.... Just wow. It really is. I wonder if they soldered or modified the hardware of the pi in any way? Besides adding gpio extender headers and is that a circular display on there? Those are like $80 for buying like one or two nice ones.

I guess it's that sweet sweet Analog Devices R & D that makes up the extra $2800 or so

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