Multiple reboots did not unwedge the bus, so we had to catch the next one.

Luckily they did not need to reboot the Kongens Nytorv station.

@th v lucky u were on the bus in case of boot issues

@th your bus runs on linux.

Maybe get off at the next stop.

@jmjm @th everyone off the bus and back on. If it had a real OS, one could just restart that one bus component.

@th this is like the worst possible sequel to Speed

@th ah, see, there's your problem! You're not using systemd.

@th wait they could not drive just because the sign broke?

@kaia @th something something "integrated experience" 🙃 i honestly wouldn't wonder if these screens yoink their info through the same system that hosts the payment terminal near the driver.

@th mind sharing which city has these? we have very similar ones here in hamburg.

@th CPH still? Hope you like it! It's not uncommon for some of those screens to be stuck in a boot loop. Usually the bus can still drive, though? But at least they run Linux. I've heard that the double-sided screens on some of the train platforms have one Windows machine for each side in them.

@th I find the lack of screen rotation really jarring for some reason.

@th A lot oft computers around you reboot seemingly spontaneous and without reason.... :eyes_squint:

@th intel nucs make fine desktops, but would find them way to unreliable for these kinds of tasks.

@th my local aldi had a missing boot device as i walked past

@th At least it's running on the correct date.

@th a few years back the plane I was on had a media entertainment system that kept boot-crashing right before it successfully launched X, with what was visibly a typo as the issue

12h of sitting on that flight knowing I could fix it and not being able to

(Even reached out to the staff and asked them to ask the captain if I could offer my help fixing it, but no dice)

@th this bus is being eaten by some kind of Linux or something

@th this reminds me of some buses Miami had for a while where the destination sign system actually could bring down the whole bus and make it undrivable! It'd get stuck in an increasingly tighter loop of trying and failing to play out a voice announcement and once it got to the point of just rattling off a glitchy buzz it'd be spamming the shared J1708 data bus so bad that the transmission would fail over into neutral and the engine would shut down.

@th oddly enough it was possible to kick the system out of the way by very quickly turning the master switch from run to stop and back before the engine stops turning! It was enough to kick the destination sign system into a reboot but the engine and transmission controls stayed up and running. Not advisable if the bus was still rolling though as the transmission would do a Very Bad Thing as it powered back up. (Passengers would fall over as it made a colossal BANG!)

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