
The scene in “A Murder at the End of the World” has a surprisingly realistic reverse engineering scene as Darby tries to extract the hotel’s device vlan WiFi credentials from a smart light bulb. First she removes the embedded controller board, then wires it to a pi clone to extract the firmware, loads the rom image into Hopper, but then biffs the landing with x86 opcodes.

@th would it not be easier to just read it off the post it note in the office?

@quixoticgeek @th Came to say exactly that but you got there first.

@th could've been one of the three devices that actually used an Intel Quark

@th And then, unless I am mistaken the password is his son’s birthday?

Great show! Really well done IMO.

And she ends up with the wifi credential of the dedicated to light bulb network, so she can now turns on or off light bulbs in the hotel.

(what you don't put all those things in an isolated network, with no access to internet ?)

@th I love how it’s so aggressive about checking the value of edi, like this section is guarding against the most bananas race condition ever!

@th Interesting. The disassembled code makes very little sense tbh, not sure what they stuck in there to show disassembly. Someone could try reassembling it to see what comes out...

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