Unfortunately Apple’s Newton OS doesn’t believe that “2024” is a real year.

@th uh, I don’t know quite how to say this. You may want to go back to sleep for another 30-ish years.

@th funny, i just looked that up myself for my new MessagePad and found the same. y2k10 problem!

I'm not sure 2024 is a real year.

I bought my Newton in the 1990s. Surely a quarter of a century cannot have passed since then?

@th it also thinks the week starts on monday, which is some bullshit at scale

@phooky @th Should make a world version of Guess Who, where you have to figure out which country it is based on stuff like what side of the road they drive on, their power supply voltage, and the first day of the week...

@cibomahto @th starting the week on monday means centering your sense of time around the working week and makes the term "week-end" meaningless

instead consider starting your week on primidi

@phooky @th Surely all date handling rules are turning complete by now.

@phooky @cibomahto isn't ending the week on Saturday and Sunday the definition of "week end"?

@th @cibomahto No, because a week has two ends or none and I will not be accepting any groundhogs day bullshit on this

@phooky @th @cibomahto By that logic a marathon has two ends, too: one end at the start and one end at the end.

@pburka @th @cibomahto I wish swatch would have just settled this in the 90s by introducing swatch weats

@th good reminder to give my Message Pad 2100 at home a soft hug and celebrate the fact that it runs on standard AA batteries.

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