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Today's lucky numbers: 1 - 25 - 40 - 39 - 38 - 54 - 59 - 37 - 36 - 53 - 64 - 35 - 34 - 32 - 24 - 30 - 29 - 28 - 27 - 22 - 21 - 20 - 17 - 16 - 15 - 5 - 11 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 6 - 1

My new bike is quite a challenge to lift into the overhead racks at Amsterdam Centraal.


Flo's Appetizing might be the only pumpernickel bagels in all of Amsterdam. Despite the advanced bread technology of the Netherlands, they don't do bagels. One of the few things I miss from New York.

Programming like it's 1979: just wrote 16-bit real mode x86 machine code by hand-assembling the opcodes.

One of the overhead hazards of living in Amsterdam.

Really appreciating the accurate PDP-11 minicomputer racks in _Control_. Too bad you can't toggle in programs on the front panels.

Why doesn't any one make an SOIC chip clip for the firmware professional?

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