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That seems like a reasonable distance between passengers.

Postage acquired for the 2020 plottertwitter postcard exchange!

It's time for the triennial DMCA § 1201 exemption filings! I'll be on a panel with EFF, iFixit, and publicknowledge today to talk about the necessity of circumventing access controls in order to hack on the firmware in devices that you own.

Now that I have red/blue anaglyph glasses, I've tuned the eye separation and color palette for the 3D to 2D to 3D plotter pipeline.

The RTX2070S gpu is so fast that the frame render times are negative. now has anaglyph support for turning your 3D shapes into 2D drawings that can be plotted with colored pens and viewed with red/blue glasses for a 3D effect. has improved rendering speed thanks to avoiding recursive triangle occlusion and memory allocation.

E-ink is a relaxing artifact from a calmer future. converts 3D STL files to 2D SVG suitable for with interactive camera positioning, back-face culling, hidden-line removal, and coplanar-triangle merging.

I've been trawling through thingiverse to find fun STL files that would challenge my hidden line removal algorithm to make them suitable for plotting.

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