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What's the worst possible run of words in absurdle?

I'm tired of fan noise, so my new computer case is built entirely out of heatsinks.


het duurde 47 minuten van mijn melding aan de gemeente tot verwijdering. top!

Proper grounding is key when adapting Europlug to BS1363.

Tired: cyberpunk dystopia of hacking into corporations to uncover dirty laundry
Wired: cyberpunk dystopia of hacking into corporate appliances to wash dirty laundry

Does anyone else have Bosch-Siemens appliances they want to add to their home automation? I've made some initial steps in decoding the local network protocol and can talk to my new dishwasher over the TLS PSK websocket interface:

It is deeply disappointing that the appliance installation did not require this sort of wrench.

In-system TSOP-48 flash programming clip just barely fits

it's peaceful now, although they'll be back at 07:30 tomorrow....

This is a retro laptop `[aesthetic]` that would be delightful to use with a mechanical keyboard.

covid nl ggd 

we watch NOS Jeugd Journaal filmpjes for language practice, and this morning's was a really frustrating demonstration of a total public health failure by NOS and the GGD.
They interviewed children about their intentions and most were antivax: "_nee ik wil geen prik nemen_". And then someone from the GGD said "_It's ok that most of the kids don't want it_". There was no attempt at all to present the arguments for the public health or for protecting their omas.

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