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Firefox for Android is complaining about something, but won't tell me what's wrong with the cert. The arrow just shows the URL. SSL is so user hostile.

Someone has successfully used my `hc-py` tools to authenticate to their coffee pot and logged the messages.

Hopefully the kinderen don't get blown into the river.

Update: the bridge is no longer raised, although it's now inadvisable to try to cross.

Show thread is one of my new favorite tools. it makes it possible to hook native or Java calls in Android apps and run javascript on the entry and exit of the functions. Here I've emulated `printf` on the vendor's iternal logging framework.

They have a neat bricklaying attachment to put the sidewalk back.

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ai generated image 

either I installed it wrong or professional artists don't yet have to worry about GLIDE. Prompt "_cartoon cat using a keyboardd_"

An extra good morning to the work crew who decided to tear up the sidewalk at 06:30

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(void *) social site
