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@eqe @szbalint I'm choosing my 2020 conference schedule based on availability of night train routes.

Really appreciating the accurate PDP-11 minicomputer racks in _Control_. Too bad you can't toggle in programs on the front panels.

@cypnk Looks like a similar design to the goahti, a peat-covered conical tent built by the Sami.

re: nyc bike(share) tales 

@aparrish Have you considered signing up for the CitiBike Unicycle Share? Fewer riders, so less competition for a wheel.

@cypnk love to find bitmaps and easter eggs in ROMs. This Atari ST firmware has the `Dave StaUgas loves Bea Hablig Nu`, which is apparently executable 68k code.

@phooky Or Through-Silicon-Via hardware implants for WLCSP chips.

Why doesn't any one make an SOIC chip clip for the firmware professional?

All languages should be required to support trailing commas in lists, arrays, declarations, ....

If the only tool you have is a ~~hammer~~ 16-pin SOIC chip clip...

@cynicalsecurity @Kensan The NeXT keyboard is not my favorite, although the cube is also an aesthetic A+.

@Kensan @cynicalsecurity The beautiful Olivetti TCV250 was in MoMA's computer art exhibition. A+ for aesthetics, C- for ergonomics.

@eqe Looks like some of the NAND control lines are shared with the SPI pins. Perhaps having NAND-WE on the same pin as SPI0-MOSI might cause random writes to the eMMC.

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