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How have I been using `xxd` for over a decade and never noticed that the `-p` option produces hex output with no headers and `-p -r` converts raw hex to binary output.

Technically it is a bicycle since it has two wheels.

Perhaps this connects to the Black Rock City Subway.

Luckily we had coins to pay the ferry man for the crossing.

Marken isn't the end of the earth, although you can see it from there.

@vfrmedia @Stoori The residents of these streets have keys to unlock the bollards for deliveries, although sometimes they are run over as well.

@Stoori This block of Herengracht was recently closed to automotive traffic. Surprisingly, the tourists are back, despite the heat and pandemic...

@jaj the hooks and pulleys plus large windows are such an elegant solution to the tiny staircases.

@captain_morgan 4 kwartjes == 1 ƒ, so I think a coffee is 1.5 gulden (~€0.68).

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