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There is usually a story behind signs like these.

Look at me still posting while there's science to do.

A few tweaks in the sensor processing. Also lost a shoe on this row

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More rowing machine monitor updates, now with more data computation and full workout stats.

The domestic robot's lidar has detected evidence of a mirror universe.

I'm no math expert, but the factory computer on this rowing machine seems to have an impossible situation: 10 minutes of exercise at an average 26 strokes per minute is much higher than the 187 total strokes. My recording of the same workout shows almost the same count of 189 strokes and a cadence closer to 19, which checks out.

p5js + websockets from the esp8266 makes for a nice realtime visualizer cadence and power. A fake phosphor effect on the force curve shows how closely each stroke matches the previous few.

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Vondelpark is so crowded it is important to wear a mask.

Decoding the quadrature signals with timestamps on the falling edges and analyzing a 2km row shows the power curve for every stroke.

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@Gina have you printed this sign for your door so that you can recreate the authentic experience?

Just an ordinary evening attaching oscilloscope probes on the exercise equipment...

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