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The LED has been desoldered from the board, so that is one fewer blue light to keep us up at night. It is really surprising how much light is produced by such a tiny component.

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@phooky OMG BBB PRU? I've pretty much given up on them after Octoscroller and moved my real time stuff to FPGAs.

board designers: what if we drive the status LED with 20mA?

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NSA FOIA time! "The material responsive to your request requires review. Please be aware, there are ████████ cases ahead of yours in the backlog queue."

This board makes a fine bedside clock, other than the intense blue power LED.

@cypnk I see this classic MG plugged in around the neighborhood. This is the company that made the conversion kit for "old timers" to turn them into EV:

Calico is a delightful board game about quilting patterns and attracting cats. Highly recommended!

@cypnk Combine that handset with an acoustic coupler plus a portable like the Model 100 and you can get online when you're on the go.

@ranjit @holly perhaps we should make a bicycle powered barrel organ or robotic band.

@holly I'm not sure what is causing `ffmpeg` to complain about a bad system call and it has deleted the temporary files, so I can't recreate it to test. 🤷‍♀️ a few years ago I had an eerie four hour train ride in a dim and empty car without seeing another passenger or conductor the entire time.

@uint8_t hashtag latertoot... although it is a surprise at how long the days are - this was our view last year at midnight on the solstice.

@phooky our neighborhood was disrupted by some long stemmed bros.

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