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@phooky and for nearly a full 0xF out of 0X10, may I present the FutureCrew patch panel.

@phooky that one I would rate as a 0xA/0x10 on hackiness. The cubescroller with the controller board literally suspended by the too-short ribbon cables is probably 0xC/0x10.

@fbz this is just a normal SRAM chip in a ceramic package. the UV EPROM typically have quartz windows so that you can expose the die to the eraser light without dust contaminating the inside.

@phooky if it is the same pinout as the i2102, then it is an address line. luckily I bought lots since I expected to break a few.

spoke too soon! there is one that is not connected. not sure if it is due to my hot-air to remove the cover or my early attempts to mechanically break it off.

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@fbz this soviet-era SRAM chip was selected for its easy-to-remove metal cover so that the die can be exposed to light. it's as old as I am and of unknown provenance, so I was worried about possible mechanical failures.

@fbz they had to ask me to please stop petting the space shuttle

This is the monochromatic flashing light cyberpunk future I had hoped for.

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@blinry it must be exciting when the sun zooms across the sky in four minutes

@solderandchaos a few years ago the Hushcon conference bought a crate of pagers and designed Wifi radio boards for them. easier (and more legal?) than making a POCSAG radio network.

@blinry on my first trip to Australia I was often lost since the northern noon sun ruined my built-in mental compass.

@phooky the major cloud providers used to use different Leap Second algorithms that lead to discrepancies in their timestamps during the period around the leap, which could also be the part of a very specialized, very high frequency heist.

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