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Reading Maureen McHugh’s “Liminal Spaces” while in a different sort of liminal space.

@smveerman "De metro's zijn half zo groot als de oude, maar zouden in de spits aan elkaar worden gekoppeld voor meer capaciteit. Door technische problemen lukt dat nu niet."

@ehashman years ago in Skyrim I spent all of my points on sneak and archery, which meant that I could one-shot kill sleeping dragons. They would then play the wake up cut scene and often the game would glitch afterwards since the dragon was already dead.

@foone Burnside's First Law: if your novel includes reactionless drives, you have to take into account that will give you cheap planet-cracking weapons, and plan your science fiction universe accordingly.

@foone the USB-C to C cables get spooled since they don't have enough ferrous oomph to stick to the knife rack. I do need a way to test what features they support, so maybe I need one of those testers.

@foone I've managed to avoid collecting any power-only USB cables through diligence, although I still might have too many.

@aka_pugs three years later, the Transfluxor was patented and featured non-destructive reads.

@lenore1 despite so much search history, why are relevant ads so infrequent?

@Ailantd plus you feel like a carbon-neutral pirate as you transport tons of cargo under sail.

@docpop I appreciate when street artists draw mathematically correct graffiti

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