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Tor friends: how does Google maps know which country my disposable VM running the Tor browser is in?

Food and alliteration 

Purple potatoes produce pleasant pigmentation.

Vexologists of Mastodon! Can you help identify these unusual pride flags?

re: Coreboot on Intel SoC question 

@eqe There is support for MMIO PCIe serial ports -- I used a M.2 to MiniPCIe to RS232 card adapter to do coreboot bringup on a platform a few years ago. Although I don't specifically know about the Braswell DesignWare one, unfortunately.

My RISC-8B fpga softcore is compatible with `avr-gcc` and some of the 8-bit ATtiny85 peripherals. Verilog coming soon! wear it long enough and you'll forget it's not you.


This might not be a direct quote from the NYT.

So this is what it feels to be a NIMBY who has just lost their convenient parking space.

The green sproingy boi has started to claim my monitor.

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