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Chaotic mess with two states
rules = {
'a': [[1,-1,'a'], [0,+1,'b']],
'b': [[1,-1,'a'], [0,+0,'b']],

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Two state square spiral
rules = {
'a': [[1,+1,'a'], [0,-1,'b']],
'b': [[0,-1,'a'], [1,+1,'b']],

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Single-state Turing machine with 10k cycles of chaos and then it suddenly builds a highway.
rules = {
'a': [[1,+1,'a'], [0,-1,'a']]

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rules = {
'a': [[1,+1,'a'], [1,-1,'b']],
'b': [[1,+1,'b'], [0,-1,'a']],

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@murilove these are 2D Turing Machines called "_Turmites_". The rules are for the two states and specify, based on the pixel color at the current position, the tuple of which color to write at that pixel, the direction to turn, and the next state.

rules = {
'a': [[1,-1,'b'], [1,-1,'b']],
'b': [[1,+1,'b'], [0,+0,'a']],

rules = {
'a': [[1,+0,'b'], [1,-1,'a']],
'b': [[1,+1,'b'], [0,+0,'a']],

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@claudiom software-controlled microsteppers on the analog hands and an circular e-ink display:

rules = {
'a': [[1, +1, 'a'], [1, +1, 'b']],
'b': [[0, +0, 'a'], [0, +0, 'b']],

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> The space pirates do not, however, rape, pillage, and murder the passengers and crew. Instead, they audit the cargo and notify their accomplices to buy commodity options based on their insider knowledge.
> Thus: your typical space pirate metaphorically wears a grey pin-striped suit, swarms aboard a merchant vessel with a spreadsheet between his clenched teeth, and has retirement plans involving a senior partnership in a firm of accountants. (Captain Jack Sparrow he ain't.)

rules = [
[[1,+1,1], [1,-1,1]],
[[1,+1,1], [0,+1,0]],

It seems like A and B are fairly evenly preferred, as are X and Y. My older watches are A/X, while I'm getting used to my new one that is B/Y (with extra markers for local noon and sunrise/set).

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@scruss some transit systems use hours greater than 24 for trains that run after midnight on the same "_service day_".

@mhoye I wrote a clock for the Pebble a few years ago that rotated a polar-projected map counter-clockwise to keep local noon at the top. Southern hemisphere was a compile time option.

Poll for 24 hour clock fans:
A) Midnight at the top
B) Noon at the top
X) Midnight as 24 (or XXIV)
Y) Midnight as 00

@attie this is on the IC train from Osnabrück to Amsterdam, which switches engines at Bad Bentheim from 15kV AC in Germany to 1500V DC for the Netherlands. maybe it depends on the catenary input?

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