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re: covid booster NL 

as of this afternoon, the bivalent boosters are available if you're 18 or older and in the Netherlands. go get your fifth vaccine if you can!

Show thread I have bad news for you about the "Javascript Space Telescope"

covid booster NL 

It's time for booster number five in the Netherlands and they are doing it based on age again. So I've restarted my cronjob to track the required birthday:

@brainsmoke April 11, 1955 is often used as the Year Zero for Martian calendars, although my watch is using AM2000's suggested epoch

Ooh fun! Calendar math on a different planet with a different *Equation of Time* and dealing with Earth's *Leap Seconds*. Thanks, NASA, for the worked examples and test cases!

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re: hellsite 

@noracodes whitequark once said something I did was _really really impressive_ and I'm not sure I've ever been so flattered.

@meena it's like everyone wants to relive the Unix Wars of the 80s and 90s when we never knew how to print (`lp` or `lpr`?) nor how to list all processes (`ps -ef` or `ps aux`?)...

@prehensile there was a houseboat for sale in Amsterdam Noord that might meet your requirements

@mxshift `JANK` is also how I would describe my laptop m.2 to MiniPCI to RS232 to null modem to USB serial console adapter chain.

Play testing a paper prototype of my out-of-control Turing Machine board game.

@murilove rough estimate is there are around 20k possible two-state machines $(2*3*2)^4$, although many likely quickly diverge and are uninteresting. There are only 36 one-state machines, so it is tractable to draw them all. Only two are interesting, `[1,+1],[0,-1]` and its mirror `[1,-1],[0,+1]`.

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