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Shamir, Rivest, and Aldleman really commit to their answer about the possibility of playing mental poker.

Leaked photo of the next Apple watch prototype 

A flawless victory of aesthetic form over function.

Three phase open loop fail. Overcurrent triggers, watchdog shuts down the system.


Signal that the tulip bubble has burst

Achievement unlocked: just used a fixed length non-capturing negative look behind assertion in a regular expression.

Announcing airbreak, a toolkit to jailbreak inexpensive CPAP machines to turn them into emergency ventilators by unlocking all operational modes and allowing custom software extensions.

Now with the 4-bit palette decoding! It appears to be a simplified form of the Windows 4-bit RLE BMP format, without the alternating runs and without the alignment restrictions.

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I think the data are correctly decoded, now to figure out how the palette is encoded.

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It's feeling a little bit Burning Man.

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