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My RISC-8B fpga softcore is compatible with `avr-gcc` and some of the 8-bit ATtiny85 peripherals. Verilog coming soon!


This might not be a direct quote from the NYT.

So this is what it feels to be a NIMBY who has just lost their convenient parking space.

The green sproingy boi has started to claim my monitor.

So what's going on with Signal's new architecture that retains all user data? It seems like a total reversal of their previous stance and one that dramatically changes their threat model. Their new security properties rely entirely on SGX, which is barely secure against motivated home users, much less nation state adversaries.

Today's success: a risc-v softcore running C code, decoding the spispy fpga's control registers to monitor the data on the SPI bus. Works in simulation and on real hardware!

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