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Did you know that leeching is a slow and expensive cure for travelling? (From AE Wright's Commercial Directory)

OpenSSH 8.2 added support for u2f keys, although it isn't as cool as the per-site ECDSA key that WebAuthn uses. Based on digging through the code, enrolling a key generates a ECDSA key that is used to sign a normal public/private key pair. The server will only accept that public key if it is signed by the token, but there is nothing directly tying that server to that key, the host still has the private key, etc.

Jean here knows we have a cinnamon roll and a pumpernickel bagel in the basket and is just waiting for us to look away.

That seems like a reasonable distance between passengers.

Postage acquired for the 2020 plottertwitter postcard exchange!

It's time for the triennial DMCA § 1201 exemption filings! I'll be on a panel with EFF, iFixit, and publicknowledge today to talk about the necessity of circumventing access controls in order to hack on the firmware in devices that you own.

We're hosting an Avatar Fashion Show at in Mozilla Hubs. No ticket required, but do mind the avatar restrictions so we can keep the event lag-free.

Now that I have red/blue anaglyph glasses, I've tuned the eye separation and color palette for the 3D to 2D to 3D plotter pipeline.

The RTX2070S gpu is so fast that the frame render times are negative.

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