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Android auto reply knows of my love for burritos.

wireshark + `modprobe usbmon` == easier debugging of what is sent and received over the USB port.

All evening I've been debugging why only two buttons work, the rotary encoder never triggers, the LED ring is just glitching, etc. Turns out past me was super lazy and short on headers.

Another friend on the underside that shares the same bus as my usual SPI friends.

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So first we take the wolf and the chicken across the swing bridge, right?

"Fault injection attacks against AMD's Secure Encrypted Virtualization" is this morning's highly recommended breakfast reading

definitely was not expecting the cyberpunk twist to the season finale of "Schmigadoon!".

Almost fully assembled. Only the lunar orbit gear and planetary models are missing.

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After printing dozens of test gears, the first fitting is close enough.

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