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Night train from Brussels to Berlin via Amsterdam starting mid 2023! 22:30-06:48 is not long enough for a full restful sleep, although continuing on to Prague would be nice.

With the addition of some keycaps, it is starting to really look like an Enigma machine.

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The Enigma rotors and advance pawls fit better if the bearing plates are installed the right way!

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Pocket Enigma pieces are coming together! If you want to see the renderings, check out the OpenSCAD source

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uh that's not a good thing to see on the console. nothing in the logs after reboot, all of the raids seem to be fine, so ???

ah! that explains how the Enigma rotor step carry mechanism works. I hadn't noticed the cutout in the kerf ring before.

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After a few glitches and lots of hacking, pci pass through of the Intel gpu is now working on real hardware!

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We have new unauthorized art for the Amsterdam Lite Festival

take me down to the parasol city,
where the sun is shining,
but the shade is chilly

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take me down to the parallax city,
where the back moves slow,
and the front moves quickly

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take me down to the paradox city,
where the truth is lies,
and the guards are tricky.

It doesn't require @gregdavill soldering skills to fit one of the Ikea two button remotes into the e-stop housing, however, so we can make our own!

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Products Ikea should sell: an E-Stop zigbee button for when you really want to turn the lights off.

Today's lunch reading was suggested by @cynicalsecurity: detecting hardware trojans inserted at the fab by SEM imaging of CMOS dies

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