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This LED matrix is not quite hub75 protocol, although still an easy output for the pixel wrangler.

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Maybe I should map the LUNCH button to scan code 152 (KEY_COFFEE)?

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dear lazyweb: is there a way to ensure that the ice40 PLL output has a consistent phase with the reference clock? it seems to be arbitrary, which causes problems for deserializing a TMDS data stream. my work around makes me feel dirty since it just bangs the reset line until the clocks seem to be in sync.

That’s better! Or worse, depending on your point of view.

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That’s not right, although it’s not wrong either… accidental art

The tram tracks have been temporarily filled with thick rope while under construction to prevent bicycles from getting stuck.

"Talkies" had always seemed like a silly term, although I just realized the etymology of "Movies".

It’s like they check my calendar and bike route.

Who has two thumbs and six hundred M3-M5 bolts of various lengths on their workshop floor?

I'm looking for a pixel artist for an to help design a logo for an open source project. Send me a DM if you're interested!

The constant struggle of life in the Netherlands.

Pi Day is a fake holiday made up by Big Math to sell more math.

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