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Neat street art stencil technique with lines of varying width

I don’t think I will hop a barbed wire fence to follow the walking directions tonight.

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Accurate depiction by @jiska of reverse engineering when you find a set of symbols for the target

Just having a normal night out with friends at a beer garden.

The worlds lowest resolution HDMI display makes for a fine demo, although it is not the most interesting use case for the pixel wrangler.

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Self contained Pixel Wrangler demo is ready to travel. See it at the hackaday Berlin lightning talk or Sunday brunch!

For a legacy structure like the Intel GDT that has grown over many decades, or for ease of hardware implementation like the RISC-V it makes sense. But for a purely software parsed structure like the HDMI EDID, why would you do this?

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Play testing a puzzle based on the observation that the sum of 1 to 8 is 6^2.

There are some artifacts on one row for some reason, but otherwise the "hub75" LED matrix output from the pixel-wrangler seems to work fairly well.

Getting quite a bit of ghosting so it probably needs to drive all zeros between scan lines.

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