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Inspired by Boyd's 1986 paper "Digital Multisignatures", which introduced additive secret sharing for splitting RSA keys. Unfortunately I haven't found an online version of that paper, although a followup from 1988 is available.

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`cosign` is my new program for cooperatively signing documents with RSA (PKCS#1 v1.5 + SHA256) in a way that requires all the parties to produce partial signatures on the document without any of them having access to the private key.

Where is room Jansen at ? Seems like that would be worth having on the map.

Surely there is a better way to display the schedule than abstract art.

re: facebook 

A good step, but "this tool doesn't come close to covering all the ways Facebook collects and monetizes data about you":

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If you're still on FB, you might check for what "off facebook activity" they've recorded on you: facebookcorewwwi.onion/off_fac

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(void *) social site
