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I just want to make UEFI boot services callable from my Linux kernel module and can't figure out the right API to adjust the kernel's memory map, so instead this `/* YOLO */` code seems to work.

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on a scale of "_What? No!_" to "*ABSOLUTELY NOT*", how wrong is this?
uint64_t * linux_pagetable = phys_to_virt(cr3_phys & ~0xFFF);
uint64_t * uefi_pagetable = ioremap(uefi_cr3, 0x1000);
linux_pagetable[0] = uefi_pagetable[0];

They have a neat bricklaying attachment to put the sidewalk back.

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ai generated image 

either I installed it wrong or professional artists don't yet have to worry about GLIDE. Prompt "_cartoon cat using a keyboardd_"

An extra good morning to the work crew who decided to tear up the sidewalk at 06:30

What's the worst possible run of words in absurdle?

I'm tired of fan noise, so my new computer case is built entirely out of heatsinks.


het duurde 47 minuten van mijn melding aan de gemeente tot verwijdering. top!

Proper grounding is key when adapting Europlug to BS1363.

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