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There are also sketches and pencil tests of several pieces, which reveal much of Escher’s design process.

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The Escher exhibit at the Kuntsmuseum has amazing room decorations by Gijs Van Vaerenbergh

Plastic whale cleans up the Amsterdam canals using child labour

“AI image generators draw weird hands and baby faces”

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Updated my analysis with some additional NSA ID's contributed by other searchers, it appears that the agency might receive an average of 6.5 requests per day over the past five years.

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I believe the NSA might have a German Tank problem with the FOIA queue: the request identifiers appear to be monotonic integers, so my linear regression estimates that they receive around six requests per day.

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time! Or at least an acknowledgement of receipt... my other NSA FOIA request is going to be celebrating its third birthday soon.

There isn't any documentation that I can find on what "NS_ERROR_DOM_COOP_FAILED" means, but it seems like it was a transient glitch.

I'm also not certain if I can allow anyone else to sit in my zelfgemaakt copy of Rietveld's Red/Blue chair.

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There's an interesting copyright statement in this DIY Rietveld furniture guide that Artikel 16b of the Netherland's Auteurswet allows individuals to make personal copies of the designs for their own use, but not sell or transfer the physical chairs to others.

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