
is intensifying the problems that creates with the expectation that, when those problems become bad enough, the will have no choice but to step in. As a strategy for making the world a better place, this seems dubious.”

@becha I think the fight to curb capitalism may be a lost cause in any other way.

After 2 world wars in less then half a decade, the existence of the nuke lead to 70 years without a world war

Things have to be urgent enough to lead to change

@Juro that’s one of the arguments (accelerationism) refuted or at least critiqued in the article.

@becha I see the critique, but I still stand by my sentiment

If humans can just survive, they're not going to fight for change because they are busy funding their survival. This is the time were at now

If there is no way to get the money to survive, you might as well fight

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