
Preparing for my trip: saying goodbye to my cat & my room; locked&loaded for 3 weeks in Croatia: the & conf in Zagreb & after that… & hoping that has spared the train tracks in Germany, Austria, Slovenia…

It is not going smooth… :( The first to Frankfurt is canceled! Now trying to get to Stuttgart & catch my the other way…

Phew: made it to the last all-German connection! At least I’ve heard my ticket should be valid ? And finally there is electricity available to feed my addiction;) plus I got some local nourishments in Düsseldorf . Onwards! (Squatting in the 1st class… my own compensation for the canceled train & all workarounds I had to figure out…)

Oh the , how I love you! Especially if I succeed to get in on time, *AND* cooling / air-co is on! (it’s ~30C in Stuttgart at 8PM..) // I hope to have a good night sleep! 🛌 🚆 4️⃣2️⃣ #42 // Zagreb, see you in the morning!

Zagreb, I’m in you! (Forgot to take a photo of the _whole_ cake, that’s how fast I ate it!) @ “Cukeraj” cake cafe

Traveling while on anti-anxiety meds is the best! & is all I need… and all the rest is a plus (Bus being on time! Air-co! No smoking! 💚 electricity plug! 🔌 WiFi ! Radio-Nostalgija :)

… I’m leaving the sea today… This visit was not as connecting nor brilliant nor energizing as I wished / expected / was used to… ah well… it was the combination of heat, illness & time… at least I was as kind to myself as I could…

@becha do avoid Gotthard Tunnel at the moment and trains in the south are a wee bit messy because of that, might have an affect on other trains in Europe that are related to that track...

Have a good trip!

@jeroen @becha yeah quite a bit of traffic now goes via Lötschberg and via Austria already, but passenger should only be impacted there on the Gotthard because of the travel time and they cannot send double deck trains now...

@becha the longer the delays, the better the bonding among the passengers :)

@joostvb with infinite delay (train canceled), bonding becomes infinite too? Total fusion?? ;)

@quixoticgeek double mooi? There’s duplicate images? Strange glitch…

@becha you inspired me to look into what would be involved in taking a night train from 🇬🇧 ➡️ 🇬🇷. Turns out it's 2 days, 4 hours, and 7 transfers so... I think we could do better there.

@becha A wise man once suggested that expectations are best avoided as unfullfilled hopes (and wishes I suppose) are somehow easier to accept. So, now with this experience in the bag, it seems more likely that your hopes will be met next time, yay!
(I miss the sea)

@becha i can relate to that. when you see the sea first time after a long trip: pure bliss :)


enjoy! (i can relate 😁)

is radio-nostalgija which decades?

@outi ‘90s… with a dip into ‘80s .. and local mostly :)


sounds absolutely the best!

local too can be totally fun! (esp if you are a local), but i remeber enjoying many kinds of good music from different cultural / musical zones.

like, i'm finnish, and it was tremendous fun to go jogging in eastern finland some years ago in the beat (and pace) of russian dance pop 😁

(in eastern finland the border is near and you can receive the other fm:s)

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