The fact that business owners fought to keep remote work from being more widely adopted is a fucking tragedy. Remote work solved so many problems i.e. less greenhouse gases, less traffic (which means less strain on infrastructure), more money circulating in smaller towns, less wasted time commuting for employees (which also means less money being wasted on gas) etc. But nope, we gotta justify these buildings somehow.


@BlackAzizAnansi Remote work (WFH) solved many other problems too: people who care for others (young children, sick, aging parents, school kids…) could combine WFH & care work ; people with disabilities or chronic illness could WFH when they had energy or felt well enough; neurodivergent people could feel ok being themselves without having to “fit in”; people exposed to (micro)aggressions of racism & machismo could breathe easier… plus I love being close to my pet & plants!!

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