Shameless plug: I’ll be giving a talk & a workshop at in Linz 10&11.May : Looking forward to meet all the amazing participants! & friends, new & old! (some of them I haven’t seen for 26 years?! Some since few months ago…)

On my way to , by : today from Zagreb, via Dobova & Graz &… who knows where the trains take me ;) The morning started wonderfully: with Coco the guarding over me - she’s much more cuddly than in this photo! - and by catching the train , in Zaprešić, thanks to Nina ! Seat #42 ;) tea-cup! T-shirt ;)

Continuing thread of trip to : map of the path from Zagreb ; Woman in Seat #42 ; local Graz meal in the pause of the travel ; arrival to “afo” in Linz

Looking for “Nature” to enjoy & connect with in Linz, at : singing blackbirds 🐦‍⬛, hopping rabbits 🐇, flowering chestnut trees 🌰 🌳

Day two at : lectures at about (Xin Xin talking about consentful protocols ) & YandexLeeks , part of ; plus even more culture posters

Amazing talk by @luka at yesterday : calling us to : with your community ! Continuing the IndieWeb principles, referring to “declaration of digital autonomy”, and inviting us to contribute to his editable web site

Practice of by @inari at : implementing ecological principles while hacking marketing & product certification

Today’s inspirational talks at : Valentina “applying informal practices on technical artefacts through political frames”; Patricia on feminist, tactile, recycled tech : ; Ava quoting Denson about “death spiral” & Aymeric ( practitioner) promoting @unbinare ‘s work on e-waste hacking & repurposing ;; cc @servus

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