How do you make a #decision with a group of people? In some activist circles a #sociocracy method of "consent" decision making has become popular.

In a new post on Indoxicate I try to clear up some of the confusion around this idea, and I articulate a criticism that should (I think) be taken seriously by the movement.

The method, whatever it virtues, has little to do with #consent. By using the term nonetheless, groups run a risk of cultivating an abusive practice.

@msteenhagen could there have been a mis-hearing of 'lazy consensus'? I first knew of it through digital humanities (, I'm not sure if the software version is quite the same

@mia This is brilliant, and from 2012! Thanks a lot, I think this is a very similar approach. This will help me untangle the origins a bit more. And ‘lazy consensus’ is a much better term.


@msteenhagen @mia within technical internet governance “consensus” has been used since ‘80-s : IETF, RIPE, etc :

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