near : forest strawberries , May blossoms , young trees & wild flowers : overwhelm of tastes, touch & fragrances : almost unbearable happiness!

Here’s my house-squirrel: a Puh = <i>Glis Glis</i> = Edible Doormouse

Busy day: cutting wood 🪵 , picking strawberries 🍓, walking in the meadows plucking wild flowers… enjoying

I’ve chosen this morning to cycle to “town” based on weather forecast (raining y’day & will rain tomorrow) & dwindling food supplies - but - apparently it’s a holiday in Croatia & shops are closed! Still : enjoying early lunch & sun & the river :)

Rainy day at : I’ve mostly tended fire & cooked, emailed a bit - and I got the best surprise in the evening: the dog is back!!! 🥰🐕🌈 (I’ve made elderflower syrup & half-baked pizza …)

Good morning from : stone ecosystems edition! Delightful little “gardens” that remind me of Japanese styled arrangements & … but IRL! Succulents, mosses, water pools … all before 6AM! Life is great!

Plants & animals this dawn near : (possibly?) magic mushrooms that grow on sh!t , prickly beauty , & the face of the mountains! Bountiful nature after the rains! Plus all the birds I cannot see - but I hear them: so loud & clear!

travel day: Zagreb-Berlin . Morning started good: after staying with family (& cat!) & receiving their help & love, I got to the train station mostly dry & on time; thd 2nd is leaving on time so there’s hope I’ll catch the next one (in infamous Villach)!


(backlog of photos, now that I have 4G) : On my penultimate day I found abundance of , that did spring out after the rain! & they do indeed grow in fairies circles! & in 6-packs! & with pines! … now I know where to find them next time I’m in Lika… (on Greda!)

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