A good friend of mine thinks that the way I habitually structure sentences, with lots of clauses and parentheticals and so forth, is in itself diagnostic of ADHD. I find this idea intriguing.

@adamgreenfield I do the same thing. I'm pretty #autistic, but I don't think I'm #ADHD (could be wrong). But I've always put it down to having academic parents who normally used quite sophisticated sentence structures in everyday conversation.

Mind you, I think that certainly my father, and probably both parents, were also to a considerable degree neurodivergent.


@simon_brooke @adamgreenfield I think one way complex (as opposed to chaotic) sentence structure can come about is if you grow up reading more than socializing, since language for speech and for writing is different. But reading more than socializing can happen if you are or (if you couldn't focus enough on conversations when you were young), so that doesn't narrow it down.

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