maybe adding 12 groups of vias, even though there are 11 charlieplexed groups will make it easier to route around the hour LEDs? this PCB is starting to look like a @welshpixie mandala

oh no the coin cell ground pad and tabs interfere with the beautiful 11-sided spiral. maybe there's a small LiPo that would fit instead?

DRC says only 110 warnings! But 1273 errors, so maybe this clever design isn't quite ready.

friends: is there a way to request tented vias on only one side? I'd like the spiral to be shiny on the top and covered on the bottom

thanks to a suggestion from @marble and the power of python, there are now a gross number of small circles in the F.Mask layer to un-tent the vias on only one side of the board.

Bi-color Charliewatches are assembled and ready for testing.

Something is wrong: only three or four io lines seem to be functional, although they all pass the multimeter beep test

Seems that the cpu browns out when some of the charlieplexed pins are driven, which makes me suspect there might be solder bridges under the QFN package.

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