
It's 2023. Fossil fuel companies are posting obscene profits. Why the fuck are governments subsidising them?

@quixoticgeek Konservatives are in the fossil fuel companies foot soldiers.

@quixoticgeek The revolving door. There is not as much difference between companies and governments as may appear to be the case. After a political career politicians often go to work for the finance or fossil fuel industries.

@quixoticgeek For the same reason why governments subside cars, airplanes, coal, and other planet-killing ventures, I'd guess.

And meanwhile they're calling climate activists to be antifa or terrorists.

I'd laugh if it wasn't so saddening.

@TobiWanKenobi utterly heartbreaking. Watching something beautiful being destroyed.

@quixoticgeek With profits like that they can afford many politicians.

Those aren't subsidies. That is profit-taking by the fossil fuel corporations from their wholly-owned subsidiaries; the governments.
But to answer your question; when the system has become so corrupted, some very basic structural changes are needed.
Interpret that as you will.

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