After my last lifestream to the "knip" in Weesperstraat, several right-wing trolls were saying I was a lying WEF shill for "avoiding" the Kattenburgerstraat; the street with such crippling traffic due to the knip that the VVD are demanding an immediate stop to the 6-week project.

So this morning at rush hour I visited the Kattenburgerstraat and as it turns out, the right-wing press are lying.

Shocking, I know.

Here's my livestream of my visit to Kattenburgerstraat:

@notjustbikes I live in a street near the Weesperstraat. We are definitely getting more traffic on our little sidestreet as cars look for alternate routes. But the "knip" isn't the problem. Cars are the problem. I'd like to see even more streets closed to traffic.


@vacapinta @notjustbikes I'm on the other side of Amsterdam, and would be overjoyed if they would close my street to cars. Or at the very least put some noise cameras in to do something about the noisy motorbikes.

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